Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The 2019-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the GSATS area is a five-year program of transportation capital projects together with a three-year estimate of transit capital and maintenance requirements. While the TIP is usually approved biennially, the document may be amended throughout the year. The FAST Act, as well as the Metropolitan Planning Regulations, mandates that a TIP comprise the following:

  1. Identify transportation improvement projects recommended for advancement during the program years. The projects required are those located within the study area and receiving Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) or Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds;
  2. Identify the criteria and process for prioritization for inclusion of projects in the TIP and any changes from past TIPs;
  3. Group improvements of similar urgency and anticipated staging into appropriate staging periods;
  4. Include realistic estimates of total costs and revenue for the program period;
  5. Include a discussion of how improvements recommended from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan were merged into the TIP;
  6. List major projects from previous TIPs that were implemented and identify and major delays in planned implementation;

To view GSATS TIP Budget Summary, click here.

To view GSATS TIP Budget sheet from SCDOT,  Click the following links   Non-Mobility & Mobility

To view GSATS NC MTIP, click here.

To view GSATS TIP Document, click here.

To view SC STIP, click here.

To view NC STIP, click here.

The TIP may also include regional highway projects that are being implemented by the State, City and County for which federal funding is requested.