GSATS 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

The Grand Strand Area Transportation Study (GSATS) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Grand Strand area. GSATS has completed the process to update the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, which identifies the transportation needs of the GSATS region through 2045.

The GSATS 2045 Metropolitan Plan can be viewed by clicking the documents below:

Adopted GSATS 2045 MTP
Appendix A – Public Participation Plan and Summary
Appendix B – Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures
Appendix C – System Performance Report
Appendix D – LOS Standards and Road Functional Classification
Appendix E – Existing Transportation Facilities and Demographics
Appendix F – Future Transportation Facilities
Appendix G – Pedestrian Walkways and Bikeways
Appendix H – Environmental Context
Appendix I – Project Financing and Implementation